and welcome to my website. My name is lasermtv07 aka Michal Chmelar, and I am a 17 year old Czech programming student and enthusiast. This is my homepage on the World Wide Web. Here, I will publish my blog and host some stuff, including my own software.
I am currently studying programming - focus backend web development on a trade school in.. well.. I am not doxxing myself here. However, I am comfortable saying I live in central Moravia, specifically in the Hana region of Moravia. I am in the third year of highschool.
My socials
I guess it's good to have it here
- github
- spacehey
- YouTube - inactive
- itch.io
- email: lasermtv07@volny.cz
My interests
I'm not very focused; sorta flying from one hyperfixation to another. However, here, I'll list some stuffs that I'm persistently interested in:
- Backend web development - well, no surprises here, I am "majoring" in it.
- Esoteric programming languages - one of my weirder obessions in CS. I particularly like the brainfuck. I have also made an esolang on my own.
- Theory of automatas and grammars - Area of math and comp sci studying the propertioes of automatons, formal languages and formal grammars. I'm still learning, but I'm trying ;). Link to Wikipedia if someone is curious
- Linux/Unix - I am a die-hard Linux user. This website is hosted on linux (though that is not surprising) and I daily drive linux on all my devices.
While I don't think it's particularly interesting:
- CPU: Ryzen 5 1600
- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660
- RAM: 16Gb
Here, I will list the software I use. It is good to mention that I am a distro hopper so this list may not be up to date.
- OS: Void Linux
- Window Manager: i3
- Web Browser: Firefox
- Terminal emulator: Alacritty
- Text editor: Vim
(c) lasermtv07, 2024 in public domain.